Attorney On Eyal Yanko
With extensive expertise in real estate litigation, urban renewal, and planning and construction law, along with vast experience in dispute resolution, Attorney On Eyal Yanko provides practical and efficient legal guidance, ensuring full protection of clients’ rights in all legal forums—your ideal choice for personalized, valuable legal representation.
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Real estate and planning and construction litigation is part of civil litigation and includes, among other things, litigation in real estate law, urban renewal, planning and construction, contract law, taxation, building permits, and more.
Our firm specializes in resolving disputes in real estate and planning and construction law, providing comprehensive legal support primarily in real estate litigation, which is the firm’s leading area of expertise. This includes representation in courts of all levels, offering practical legal solutions for disputes, managing legal proceedings and lawsuits, preparing legal documents, mediation and settlement, objections, appeals, and administrative petitions. All of this is done with an emphasis on resolving the legal conflict in the shortest and most appropriate manner while considering the client’s wishes, circumstances, and capabilities.
We aim to make the legal dispute, when unavoidable, as practical and efficient as possible, reducing the client’s time in unnecessary court appearances and avoiding exhausting and unnecessary proceedings. At the same time, we do not compromise on protecting our clients’ interests and know how to act through all necessary legal channels to safeguard their rights.
Our firm has experience in appearing before various courts, including Magistrate Courts, District Courts, Administrative Courts, the Supreme Court, and various planning and construction committees.
We work closely with our clients, handling each case according to its specific circumstances. We examine the evidence, investigate witnesses, and present our clients’ arguments clearly and concisely to the court.
Real estate and planning and construction litigation deals with resolving disputes and making legal decisions related to real estate and planning and construction processes. This is a complex field that covers a variety of issues, such as contract disputes in real estate transactions, objections to building plans, appeals to planning committees, claims for construction defects or delays in delivery, and administrative petitions against local authorities and regulators in the planning field.
Our firm specializes in representing clients in various legal forums, from courts to planning and building committees. We offer our clients comprehensive strategic advice, professional preparation for legal proceedings, and effective case management to protect their rights and achieve the best possible outcomes for them. With extensive experience in litigation and construction, we provide professional, personal, and efficient services to each client.
Legal Magazine
In new apartments, there are quite a few disputes with contractors who delay delivery or hand over apartments with construction defects and are reluctant to make repairs. In second-hand transactions, there are many lawsuits related to the breach of the duty of good faith in fully disclosing the condition of the property. This could be due to defects in the property, such as leaks, or building violations on the property.
In the field of urban renewal, lawsuits mainly concern resistant tenants.
First, we need to start with a letter of warning before filing a lawsuit. The goal is to try to reach a resolution and avoid a lawsuit on the matter.
If we are dealing with claims of defects, delays in delivery, or building violations, it is recommended to obtain an expert opinion from an engineer or a real estate appraiser, depending on the issue, which will specify the damages and the extent of the damage. If the letter does not resolve the issue and the parties are unable to reach a solution, the next step is to file a lawsuit.
הליך משפטי מורכב ממספר שלבים. ראשית אמורה להיות לצדדים פגישת מהות שמשמעותה מידע היכרות ותיאום בניסיון להבין אם הצדדים מעוניינים להתחיל הליך של גישור. ככל והצדדים אינם מעוניינים התיק חוזר לבית המשפט. לאחר מכן יש דיון קדם שזה הדיון הראשון בתיק וגם בנקודה זו מרבית השופטים ינסו לכוון את הצדדים לפיתרון מוסכם/פשרה. ככל ואכן הצדדים הצליחו להגיע לפיתרון מוסכם במהלך גישור או דיון קדם אז ההליך יכול להסתיים גם תוך מספר חודשים. ככל ולא התיק ממשיך לדיון הוכחות שלפניו יש להגיש תצהירים מטעם בעלי הדין והעדים שלהם ובדיון נחקרים העדים. ככל והתיק יגיע לנקודה על כל אחד מהצדדחם לסכם את טיעניו ולאחר מכן בית המשפט יתן פסק דין מנומק. ככל והגענו לשלב הזה ההלך יכול להימשך גם כשנתיים- שלוש.
לקבל יעוץ משפטי מעו”ד המומחה בתחום על מנת להבין מה החובות והזכויות של בעל הנכס. חשוב לברר את הנסיון של אותו עו”ד בסוג התיק שאיתן הלקוח מתמודד, הוותק של עורך הדין, חוות דעת והמלצות. ככל והופרו זכויותיו יש לנסות ראשית להגיע לפיתרון ללא פניה לבית המשפט וככל והדבר אינו מצליח ושלא נותרה ברירה אחרת יש לפתוח בהליך משפטי. המתנה זמן רב מידי במימוש זכויות עלולה לפגוע בבעל הנכס ויתכן והזכות תתיישן.
It depends on the type of proceedings. If it is a case in the Family Court, you will be required to submit an affidavit that verifies the facts. If it is a civil lawsuit under regular procedure at the defense stage, an affidavit will not be required. Additionally, there are other proceedings that may require you to submit an affidavit to verify the facts.
In principle, yes, but it should be noted that there may be differences between certain areas. Additionally, there are differences between an agreement that defines breach clauses and agreed-upon compensation, and mere agreements made in email correspondences where it is unclear what happens in the event of a breach.
This is a special procedure in which the defendant is essentially required to obtain permission from the court to defend against the lawsuit filed against them, as this is not an inherent right. Therefore, the defendant must submit a request for permission to defend, rather than a defense statement. It should be noted that even in the request for permission to defend, the defendant must outline their claims, attach an affidavit to support the request, and provide all relevant documentation related to the matter.
The general practice is that any check, including a bank draft, must be deposited within a period of approximately six months from the date specified on it. Failure to meet this time frame—six months or less, depending on the circumstances—entitles the bank from which the check is drawn not to honor it on the grounds that it is past its due date. There is a common misconception that failing to deposit the check on time leads to the expiration of the check. However, according to the law, this is incorrect. According to Section 96(a) of the Bills of Exchange Ordinance, the statute of limitations for the holder of the check (the drawer and the payee) is 7 years, while for endorsers and other parties who sign the instrument, their claim will expire two years from the date the holder of the check has the cause of action.