Urban Renewal Lawyer

Urban Renewal Lawyer

Are you considering checking whether the building in which you have an apartment is indeed suitable for carrying out a TMA 38 project or evacuating construction?

Some important things you need to know:

You must first understand the difference between TMA (NAP) 38/1 and TMA (NPA) 38/2 and a construction clearance project. Not every outline (layout) will necessarily fit your building and every outline (layout) will have different execution, permutations and final results.

Another thing to consider when choosing the appropriate outline is the recently (announced) announcement given by the Planning Administration that the TMA 38 plan will be finalized towards the end of 2022. It (will) is likely that there will be (have) a new plan in place, but it is advisable to choose an outline where you will have more certainty.

In each project you choose, you must verify the classification of the operating contractor – it is worth examining his specific experience in the type of outline (layout) that has been decided to be executed, when it is important to know that these are complex projects in terms of engineering and planning and therefore it is advisable to go and see projects of the contractor that have been successfully completed.

Pay attention to the permits offered to you by the developer and make sure to receive a number of proposals from different developers (venture) – there are permits that are acceptable for each outline (layout).

Pay close attention to the collateral offered to you as part of the agreement with the developer. This is the most critical issue and it should be noted that you have full protection in all parameters.

Other important things are the issue of inspection and responsibility for the work performed by the contractor, insurance and many other things.

Urban renewal projects are projects that take a long time and require patience and forbearance, but if they are executed (realized) correctly and safely – they are likely to significantly improve the quality of your life and will inevitably increase the value of your property.


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In order to take actions related to the common property it is necessary to involve the House Committee which is in charge of these matters.

There is a possibility that the tenants will claim that this violates their privacy, but they will have to prove that it is indeed a private space.

In practice, there are many such cases, especially in Tel Aviv, but this is illegal, contrary to the original purpose of the property and may lead to proceedings being taken against the landlord which will lead to a demand for eviction of the tenant, even during the lease period.

It is not possible to compel him to apply, but it is possible to take action against them by other means and / or ask the landlord to apply sanctions against them insofar as such exist in the agreement between them.

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